Sunday, July 18, 2010


Each day we're faced with decisions. They range from the mundane to the profound. From deciding what we want to eat to deciding who we want to become. How we decide the latter is a result of what's important to us. Those core values that we keep safe from erosion. Those things we hold dear, that matter, that at the end of the day remain in tact.

Fighting for a dream is not child's play. To settle is death. So I choose to run screaming into the dark abyss in spite of the attractiveness of security and the lull of stability. I do this, I choose this because my dreams and my passions come from the core of who I am, that protected center of my being. And to let that go, to give up the fight is to loose who I am.

So in the face fear and doubt I stand.
Knees knocking.
Teeth chattering.
Heart pounding.
I stand.

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